
Murderbot, She Wrote

"Martha Wells created one of the most iconic characters in 21st-century science fiction: Murderbot, reluctant savior of humanity. Then she faced an existential threat of her own."

Does Every Species Get a Billion Heartbeats Per Lifetime?

There’s an assumption that because of the relationship between metabolic rates, volume, and surface area, animals get an average of one billion heartbeats out of their bodies before they expire. Turns out there’s some truth to it . As animals get bigger, from tiny shrew to


"I looked up and down at my reflection. And I wished for the same thing I’d wish for every morning, of every day, for the next almost 15 years. To be absolutely anyone else."

How to lose your home

In a changing climate, the instinct is to save everything you can. But maybe letting go is braver – and better for the future? - by Dan Hancox Read at Aeon


Searching for stars

It’s easy to imagine that talent is a magical gift, and that we’ll know it when we see it (and that you have it or you don’t). And yet, over the years, Star Search has rejected each of these musicians, picking someone else to win the competition: One could argue that they’re

Musical Skiers

Icelandic photographer Haukur Sigurdsson captured this aerial image of Nordic skiers looking like musical notes on a staff. Someone on YouTube played the tune: Sigurdsson’s photo is available as a print . Tags: Haukur Sigurdsson · music · skiing · sports · video 💬 Join the

Playing Music With Barcode Scanners

A Japanese group called Electronicos Fantasticos! figured out that by connecting a supermarket barcode scanner to a powered speaker and rhythmically scanning barcode-like patterns with it, you can make music. This is so fun! Tags: Electronicos Fantasticos · music · remix ·