
The Birth of Breaking News

The completion of the US transcontinental railroad in 1869 in Utah was also the birthplace of the newsflash. The news was delivered via telegraph through a clever scheme: the famous golden spike and a silver hammer were each wired to the telegraph so that when hammer struck

Are You an NPC? (Or Do You Have Free Will?)

Kurzgesagt attempts to answer the question (from the perspective of physics): Do we have free will? Here’s the deterministic perspective (from the show notes ): Now imagine that if right after the Big Bang, a supersmart supercomputer looked at every single particle in the

What’s the Rarest Move in Chess?

YouTuber Paralogical downloaded data from over 5 billion chess games to find the rarest move in chess. Slight spoiler: there are many possible moves that weren’t played in any of the games analyzed. The data and analysis programs used are available on Github : This is a lil’

Chaka Khan’s Tiny Desk Concert

NPR recently welcomed Chaka Khan into the office for a Tiny Desk Concert. When the “Queen of Funk,” Chaka Khan, began to sing her hit “Sweet Thing” at the Tiny Desk, she seemed surprised at how the audience enthusiastically joined in. It’s just one example of how ingrained her

The Love Machine

"Love Is Blind creator Chris Coelen drops a new group of singles into his experiment—and wrestles with the lawsuits against the show."


"You can practice a song a thousand times and still its first note sends you into the unknown."

Flood of memory

A poignant connection between the erosions of landscape and memory at a former Japanese internment camp in California - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon


Did we give up before AI arrived?

Plenty of creative pundits are decrying the speed and cost of creating pretty good work with an AI. It can often draw, write and compose as well as a mediocre freelancer, sometimes better. But why were there mediocre freelancers? The system that pushed us to turn our writing

Oh My God, I’m Attracted to a Skinny White Man

The tabloid media has invented another way to explain people’s attraction to the actual status quo. They’re not objectively ugly dudes, they’re “sexy rat men”, and the internet is currently filled up with articles explaining their “rise”.