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Sun Mar 16
Sat Mar 15
Scientists unlock new dimension in light manipulation, ushering in a new era in photonic technology
A new computational method for super-large-scale atomic structures
Advancing light-to-electricity energy conversion: New method extends lifespan of plasmonic hot holes
Fiji Iguanas Crossed the Ocean from the Americas Millions of Years Ago
Dialing in the temperature needed for precise nuclear timekeeping
Eat grass-fed beef, help the planet? Research says not so simple
First documented sighting of a group of bowhead whales in Canada's Churchill River Estuary
Defect-engineered metal-organic frameworks offer rapid detection of nerve agents
How multiple human-induced stressors interactively impair freshwater food webs
Cells' mechanical force key to survival in cellular competition, study reveals
Engineered E. coli could be used to produce biodegradable plastics
AI recognizes the mass of the most energetic particles of cosmic radiation
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