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Mon Mar 17
Sun Mar 16
Social media pressures can make friendship a full-time job
The US military has cared about climate change since the dawn of the Cold War, for good reason
Study reveals possible effects of air quality changes associated with global warming on human airways
Chinese only introduced a feminine pronoun in the 1920s—now, it might adopt a gender-inclusive one
Chewing gum is plastic pollution, not a litter problem
Four small planets discovered around one of the closest stars to Earth—an expert explains what we know
Who does Spiderman vote for? Study shows people project their political views onto fictional heroes and villains
Scientists unlock new dimension in light manipulation, ushering in a new era in photonic technology
When the Animals Went Electric
A new computational method for super-large-scale atomic structures
Advancing light-to-electricity energy conversion: New method extends lifespan of plasmonic hot holes
Fiji Iguanas Crossed the Ocean from the Americas Millions of Years Ago
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