
Peruvian tips for public speaking

Why the author Daniel Alarcón likes to read a curious little Peruvian book of speeches and toasts when he’s feeling homesick - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon


The disruption nexus

Moments of crisis, such as our own, are great opportunities for historic change, but only under highly specific conditions - by Roman Krznaric Read at Aeon



For thousands of years, and as recently as the 1930s, phrenology was seen as a useful proxy to judge someone’s character. Carefully charting the bumps on someone’s head, along with the slope of their forehead and other telltale signs was seen as a thoughtful and proven way to

How a Bicycle Is Made

From British Council film, a short film from 1945 that shows how a bicycle is designed and manufactured. (via stellar ) [This is a vintage post originally from May 2012.] Tags: cycling · how to · timeless posts · video

A Massive Trove of Aerial Photos of Glaciers

Over at Beautiful Public Data, Jon Keegan shares some details about two huge collections of aerial photos of glaciers . As scientists study the effects of global warming, one of the most visible and alarming indicators is the rapid shrinking of glaciers. Government