
One Strange Side Effect of Parenting

The other day while singing to my daughter, I realized that I can, in fact, sing better than I used to. I think the sheer amount of “Wheels on the Bus” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” did the trick: I enjoy it more now and feel like I’m hitting more of the right notes. I’m still

Addicted to Exercise?

If you don’t like exercise or are getting sick of your workout routine, a few recent essays will keep you in good company. Last fall, Aja Frost wrote I Was (Am?) Addicted to Exercise for the newsletter Platonic Love: I never deviated from or relaxed my exercise routine; it was

Diary Comics, Dec. 26-28

It’s another Thursday Afternoon With Edith! In these comics from last winter, our baby was just born. ( Previously .) Tags: diary comics 💬 Join the discussion on kottke.org →

Cicadas and Prime Numbers

You may have heard that this year, for the first time since 1803, two different broods of cicadas will emerge at the same time . This year, though, will be a rare event. Two groups, or “broods,” are waking up during the same season. There will likely be billions, if not

Trailer for Season Two of The Rings of Power

I am apparently one of the few people who really liked the first season of the Lord of the Rings prequel series, The Rings of Power . I mean, it had its rough spots and maybe there was a little too much table-setting, but in general it left me wanting to see what was going to


‘So was I once myself a swinger of birches’ – Robert Frost reads his celebrated poem on yearning for the freedoms of youth - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon


Building embryos

For 3,000 years, humans have struggled to understand the embryo. Now there is a revolution underway - by John Wallingford Read at Aeon


Complaints are a gift

It’s easy to see a complaint as simple whining, the narcissistic impatience of someone who has enough insulation from the real world that they can share their dissatisfaction over just about anything. But a complaint unheard gives us no way to improve. In our current medical

The obligations of the Town Hall

A few hundred years ago, small towns in New England embraced the idea of the town hall. Citizens (at the time, just the white men) came together and worked through the town’s agenda. Each person could speak, each person could vote, it was direct and sometimes effective. Part of