
Can you draw it on a graph?

Explain it with quadrants? Translate it into Spanish? It’s easy to memorize a few words that purport to explain something, but all they do is relabel it. If you truly understand something, you can use different modalities to help someone else understand it. The magic of a good

Diary Comics, July 1

Hello, Edith here! I usually post from six months ago, but I can’t resist sharing something from the other day. Tags: diary comics 💬 Join the discussion on kottke.org →

“What My Adult Autism Diagnosis Finally Explained”

For New York magazine, Mary H.K. Choi writes about her family and her recent autism spectrum disorder diagnosis: I Was Diagnosed With Autism in My 40s. It Gave Me a Lot of Answers. For Sam, the diagnosis altered everything. Provided a sense of relief that was oceanic. The