
Where To Find Fool's Gold In Final Fantasy 16

Just like Echoes of the Fallen, Final Fantasy 16’s The Rising Tide DLC adds quite a few new pieces of gear for Clive to use. Among these is the Tonberry Knife, which uniquely deals low HP damage in exchange for inflicting high Will damage. Whether you want this blade for its

Hades II Is The Kind Of Hot We Need Right Now

Hades , Supergiant Games’ award-winning 2020 roguelite, was renowned for its excellent combat, beautiful art style, entrancing music, and very, very hot characters. You’d expect a game about Greek gods (who were purposefully attractive so that the normies of Ancient Greece had

Does Fallout 76 Have Crossplay?

Fallout 76 , the online multiplayer game set in the long-running post-apocalyptic series, has seen a surge of players due to Amazon Prime’s hit TV adaptation . And if you’re thinking about giving it a shot, you may be wondering if you can easily hop into games with your friends

Why I Make Myself In Every Video Game Character Creator

On the day I started here at Kotaku back in 2022, the very first post I wrote had an image of a character who looked like me right at the top. It was my custom V from Cyberpunk 2077, and he’s appeared more than a few times on this site as I’ve covered the game and its Phantom

The Six Stages of Player Rationality

To understand the impact of your mechanics, you need to know how people will react to them. This means that you have to have some kind of mental model of player behavior. The question is, in your model, how much rationality do you assume?

Taylor Swift Namedrops Grand Theft Auto On Latest Album

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past 12 hours or so, pop superstar Taylor Swift unleashed a double album on the world, and as a Swiftie, it is my moral obligation to be deeply annoying about it. I’m not here to review the album though, but instead highlight a