
LinkedIn is training AI models on your data

Image: The Verge If you’re on LinkedIn, then you should know that the social network has, without asking, opted accounts into training generative AI models. 404Media reports that LinkedIn introduced the new privacy setting and opt-out form before rolling out an updated

Human Rights Claims Against Cisco Can Move Forward (Again)

Google and Amazon – You Should Take Note of Your Own Aiding and Abetting Risk EFF has long pushed companies that provide powerful surveillance tools to governments to take affirmative steps to avoid aiding and abetting human rights abuses. We have also worked to ensure they


House committee advances Kids Online Safety Act

Image: The Verge The House Committee on Energy and Commerce has advanced two high-profile child safety bills that could remake large parts of the internet: the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0). The proposed

Senate Vote Tomorrow Could Give Helping Hand To Patent Trolls

A patent on crowdfunding . A patent on tracking packages . A patent on photo contests . A patent on watching an ad online . A patent on computer bingo . A patent on upselling . These are just a few of the patents used to harass software developers and small companies in recent