
Precarity trap: Gig economy failing Asia’s youth

Precarious employment among youth in the Asia-Pacific region has become an increasingly urgent issue, with a growing number of young people trapped in temporary jobs without social security or long-term contracts. According to the International Labor Organization’s Global

Why ‘King Dollar’ could scoff at Fed rate cuts

The upside-down nature of the global economy may reach new extremes if and when expected Federal Reserve rate cuts fail to weaken the US dollar. Granted, the reasons why the international reserve currency should be plunging are as numerous as they are obvious. They include: the

Australia can’t afford an AUKUS about-face

Three years have passed since the United States, Australia and United Kingdom announced on September 15, 2021, that they would enter into a security partnership called AUKUS. A major part of the deal involved the US and UK helping Australia acquire nuclear-propulsion

East better than West for pro-natalist engineering

This is the second installment of a two-part essay. The first part of this essay argued that for any pro-natalist policy to be cost-effective in its use of public funds, it must recapture lost efficiencies of labor specialization, including economies of scale, that the large

Japan’s faith in US eroded by impolitic election rhetoric

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and J D Vance have all expressed spirited opposition to Japan’s Nippon Steel’s proposed acquisition of US Steel in tones and ways that have upset America’s most important Pacific ally. The following quotes convey the gist of the situation.

Anduril poised to fill America’s missile supply gap

American defense contractor Anduril Industries aims to replenish critically depleted US weapon stockpiles with its new low-cost Barracuda cruise missile amid multiple challenges in the US and allied defense production base for such munitions. This month, Anduril unveiled the