
Comfort and convenience

For the last thirty years, the easiest shortcut has been convenience. If a marketer or a politician or an institution wants to gain acceptance, make it convenient. Tim Wu has pointed out that we’ll trade almost anything to save a few moments of hassle or thought. But that

The Snapdragon 855's iGPU

Article URL: https://chipsandcheese.com/2024/05/01/inside-the-snapdragon-855s-igpu/ Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40233784 Points: 12 # Comments: 0

On contradiction between the US and China

The most important thing to understand is whether the contradiction is within the people or between the people and their enemies. The former can be solved through discussion and debate; the latter can lead to conflict and war. So said Mao Zedong, the founder and prophet of the

Biden’s Gaza diplomacy try falls fatally short

US-led efforts to forge a Gaza Strip ceasefire and win the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas militants are in limbo after weeks of intense and by all accounts still inconclusive shuttle diplomacy. Moreover, US efforts to date show no sign of a potential grand accord to