
NATO appoints Dutch PM Mark Rutte as next alliance chief

NATO has appointed outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next head of the western security alliance, bringing a change in leadership for the first time in a decade. Ambassadors representing the 32 alliance members agreed to select Rutte as the replacement for NATO

Most in new poll planning to watch Trump, Biden debate

Most U.S. adults say they plan to watch some form of media about Thursday’s presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump, a new survey found. The poll, conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and released Wednesday,

Ex-GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden for president

Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) endorsed President Biden’s reelection bid Wednesday, a day before the first presidential debate against former President Trump. In a video released Wednesday, Kinzinger said he’s a “proud conservative” but bashed Trump as a threat to

Trump, Biden contrasts on Ukraine, Israel to take center stage

The presidential debate Thursday will set out clear differences over the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, with President Biden’s pitch for unity among traditional allies expected to contrast with former President Trump’s tough talk and transactional foreign policy. And while Ukraine

Trump immunity ruling set to loom over Biden debate

A Supreme Court ruling on former President Trump’s claims of immunity from criminal prosecution is looming over his debate this week with President Biden. The question of whether Trump is immune from prosecution for certain acts while president could upend his criminal trials,