
Apple Could Be Fined A Billion Dollars A Day

Back in March, the European Union brought in new rules that were designed to stop companies like Apple and Google from blocking third-party companies running their own in-app item stores. This was supposed to carve a path for games like Fortnite to be able to return to mobile,

McDonald's Drive-Thru AI Is McCanceled

AI is such big business right now it’s propelled Nvidia, that company that you once knew for making your GeForce graphics cards, to becoming the biggest business in the world . And yet the technology is so far next to useless in all but the most specific circumstances. For

All-Time Classic TimeSplitters Looking Likely For PS4, PS5

If you wanna know what games are coming up next on PlayStation, you just need to ask the Taiwanese ratings board . That’s Gemastu’s brilliant trick, that allowed the site to correctly predict the arrival of Octopath Traveler last week, and now suggests subscribers to