
Lebanon should not become "another Gaza," Guterres warns

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned that the world "cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza." He made those remarks as tension and gunfire mounted between the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist organization and Israel. Guterres spoke of a “bellicose

Considerable increase in dengue cases in Argentina

The number of dengue cases in Argentina this year has crossed the 512,000 threshold representing a 318% year-on-year increase, despite a ten-week downward trend presently. The Health Ministry's National Epidemiological Bulletin (BEN) mentioned 512,458 cases in the first 24

Milei discusses Mercosur and OECD with Scholz

Argentine President Javier Milei met this weekend in Berlin with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in what became his first encounter with a foreign leader not akin to his rightwing philosophy. Nevertheless, both leaders discussed the trade agreement between the European Union (EU)

Excessive heat leaves over 1,300 Mecca pilgrims dead

According to the latest report from Saudi Arabian authorities, 1,301 people died during this year's traditional pilgrimage to Mecca due to a scorching heat of about 52º C. ”Unfortunately, the number of fatalities reached 1,301, 83% of whom were not authorized to perform the