
Kenyan peacekeeping forces land in Haiti

The first batch of Kenyan law enforcement officers making up a UN peacekeeping mission landed Tuesday at Port-au-Prince's Toussaint Louverture Airport. The African country intends to send a total of 1,000 troops to the Caribbean nation gripped by rogue gangs, resulting in over

Assange released from London maximum security prison

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released from London's Maximum Security Belmarsh Prison after reaching a plea deal with US prosecutors whereby he agreed to a 5-year prison sentence for espionage which allowed for the time already served to be counted.

Paraguay getting ready to host OAS General Assembly

Paraguayan authorities are fine-tuning the last arrangements for the upcoming 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) to be held in Asunción Between June 26 and 28. According to Paraguay's Foreign Ministry, some 1,200 people are expected to attend the

Awkwardness surrounds Milei's presence in Prague

Argentine President Javier Milei Monday said from Prague that he would “probably” be awarded the Nobel Prize for “rewriting economic theory” with his administration's alleged achievements rescuing the South American country from hyperinflation and getting it back on track.