
Gaza workshop repairs water tanks hit by bullets, bombs

As the summer heat beats down on war-torn Gaza, Muhammad Bashir's skills are in high demand: he repairs rooftop water tanks that have been perforated by shrapnel and bullets. Some of the leaky tanks in his workshop look like sieves. "Before the war... we used to fix only one or

Palestinians flee as Israeli forces return to Gaza's north

Palestinians fled eastern Gaza City on Thursday under heavy bombardment as the Israeli military issued an evacuation order for the area it had previously declared clear of Hamas militants. The flare-up in the northern Gaza Strip's Shujaiya district, which witnesses and medics

US health workers sound alarm on Gaza medical crisis

Patients in Gaza's few standing hospitals are dying in droves from infections resulting from a lack of protective gear and soap, even when they survive their horrific blast injuries. And health workers are facing agonizing decisions, like giving up on a seven-year-old boy with