
Ancient-ish Woolen Dutch Hats

Nothing more exciting than knitted items! This isn’t news, but a relative sent it to me recently, and I see it also made the rounds on Reddit a few days ago. Here’s the gist, per the Rijksmuseum : In 1980 archaeologists investigated the graves of 185 Dutchmen — whale hunters,

Arizona's Hobbs signs repeal of 1864 abortion ban

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) signed legislation Thursday repealing the state’s 1864 abortion ban, one day after it passed the GOP-controlled Senate. However, the repeal won’t take effect until 90 days after the state legislature adjourns for the year, and there is no end date

Halle Berry makes push for $275M menopause research bill

Hollywood actress Halle Berry joined a bipartisan group of senators on Thursday to unveil legislation that would authorize $275 million to boost research, training and public awareness around menopause and mid-life women’s health issues. Berry, who has been outspoken about her

The ecology of industrial renewal

Industry faces many problems in the current economic, sociopolitical, and environmental context. The idea of industrial renewal has thus come to the fore as an approach that might allow us to address those different challenges sitting with the new approach to understanding,