
Anti-Ukraine-aid European populists back Putin

Vladimir Putin looks to be a big winner from the far-right surge in the recent European Parliament elections. Not content with only exercising control over former Soviet Union members, the Kremlin is now increasing its support across the rest of Europe. One significant symbol

AfD’s Maximilian Krah on Europe’s political quake

Maximilian Krah was the Alternative for Germany’s lead candidate for European Parliament, and is one of the most controversial and charismatic personalities in German politics. The AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) took 16% of German votes in the June 9 election, more than any

IPEF making economic gains above the naysaying critics

SINGAPORE – While skepticism abounded ahead of last week’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) meetings in Singapore, the results underscored the Biden administration initiative’s potential and need for even greater private sector support. Because the IPEF’s ambition falls

AI processor wars burning hot and bright

Apple is the latest in a growing list of challengers to Nvidia, the world’s leading designer of artificial intelligence (AI) processors but China is the only nation that competes with the US in the technology. With market forces short-circuited by US-led technology bans and

Why are Europe’s youth leaning so far right?

In Europe, the slogan “never again fascism” is one that still resonates. The death and destruction wrought by hyper-nationalist, authoritarian states in the first half of the 20th century still haunts the nightmares of successive generations. But, as the recent European Union

European debt now a better bet than US Treasuries

WASHINGTON — Janet Yellen can’t be happy as bond guru Bill Gross shines a bright spotlight on a fast-emerging risk to US Treasury securities: the November election. In recent interviews, the former chief investment officer of Pacific Investment Management Co (PIMCO) has talked

China’s global military base strategy taking shape

China is securing international military base access agreements to expand the global reach of its armed forces, a counter to America’s extended deterrence strategy for Taiwan while threatening India with encirclement. This month, RAND released a report detailing how China is