
Promising-Looking Sims Competitor Canceled

Paradox Interactive, the company behind Cities: Skylines and Crusader Kings, announced that after numerous delays it has decided to cancel development of Life By You, its highly anticipated Sims-like game . Read more...

This One Feature Makes Valorant Great On Console

Ever since Valorant began its console beta on June 14 I haven’t been able to put the game down. I’m not new to Riot Games ’ tactical hero shooter, but the console version has reignited my love for it, and it has to do with the port’s headlining new feature: Focus Mode . Read

Still Wakes The Deep: The Kotaku Review

As I peer out from a ventilation shaft to catch sight of the unspeakable horror in search of me, I prepare to toss a wrench I lifted from the ground in the desperate hope of distracting it. I step out of the shaft, throw it, and then immediately dart for the door. But I get the