
Israel-Hezbollah escalation could pull in Iran, US

Months of relentless exchanges between Israel and Lebanon’s militant group Hezbollah have seen mass civilian evacuations and widespread death, injury and destruction. The violence has worsened since early June, accompanied by increasingly heated rhetoric. Both sides have

Putin’s mutual defense treaty with Kim may backfire

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a very short list of countries on his list of available international travel destinations these days. He made a wise choice to travel to Pyongyang, where he could be feted as a fellow dictator and share relief from sanctions-imposed

Australian combat jets will fire US hypersonics

In a bold move to restore its long-range strike capabilities, Australia is set to test-launch a US hypersonic missile from one of its combat jets. This month, The War Zone reported that the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) is set to conduct test launches of the US Air Force’s

Jumping aboard the small-modular-reactor bandwagon

Enthusiasm is increasing worldwide for small modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced modular reactors (AMRs). The International Atomic Energy Agency describes SMRs as “advanced nuclear reactors that have a power capacity of up to 300 MWe [megawatts electric] per unit, which is

Iran's presidential election process

- Iranians will vote in a snap presidential election on Friday to choose a successor to Ebrahim Raisi following his death in a helicopter crash, a contest set to be dominated by security hardliners who share his uncompromising anti-Western views.