
Trump rolls out endorsements in Alaska, Utah House primaries

Former President Trump weighed in on two tight GOP House primaries in Alaska and Utah on Monday, making endorsements as primary season gets into full swing. In Alaska, Trump backed Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom over Nick Begich III. The contested primary has carried echoes of the

George Norcross indictment in New Jersey: 5 things to know

New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin (D) unsealed a 13-count indictment against South Jersey political heavyweight George Norcross III for using his power and influence to craft legislation that would benefit Norcross’s development project in Camden. According to

The March of Dimes Syndrome

Article URL: https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-march-of-dimes-syndrome Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40712550 Points: 39 # Comments: 37

Cold Cave – “Hourglass”

In 2021, Cold Cave released Fate In Seven Lessons , our Album Of The Week , though it was billed as an EP. This year, the synth-pop duo has unleashed a string of singles: “ She Reigns Down ,” “ Shadow Dance ,” and “ Blackberries .” They haven’t announced a new LP, but today

Lunar Vacation – “Set The Stage”

In 2021, Lunar Vacation released their debut album, Inside Every Fig Is A Dead Wasp . Today, the indie rock five-piece is announcing its follow-up, Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire , and sharing the promising lead single “Set The Stage.”