
Brazil: Dollar soars, unemployment falls

The economy in South America's largest country is taking a shaky turn as Friday's figures would indicate. The exchange rate between the local real (R$) and the US dollar (US$) went up 15.15% over the past six months, closing at US$ 1 = R$ 5.58 while the Stock market fell 0.32%

The whistleblowers a free, well informed world most needs

By Gwynne Dyer - Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is a free man at last after spending almost all of the past 14 years in jail or other forms of confinement. He has just arrived home in Australia to be greeted by his family, including two young sons who have never seen

Food industry is Brazil's main source of jobs, IBGE finds

The foodstuff industry accounted for the largest number of jobs (22.8%) in South America's largest country, according to a study released Thursday by Brazil's Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The clothing and accessories industry represented 7% of workplaces, and