
Once fruitful, Libyan village suffers climate crisis

In the Libyan village of Kabaw in the Nafusa Mountains, M'hamed Maakaf waters an ailing fig tree as climate change pushes villagers to forsake lands and livestock. Once flourishing and known for its figs, olives, and almonds, fields around Kabaw, located some 200 kilometres

What’s the real size of China’s economy?

(Big time) I’m on my way, I’m making it (Big time) (Big time) I’ve got to make it show, yeah (Big time) (Big time) So much larger than life (Big time) I’m gonna watch it growing (Big time) – Peter Gabriel In May, the World Bank concluded one of its periodic International

China expanding its nuclear arsenal: Report

The Chinese nuclear arsenal is expanding and quickly, according to a new report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published Monday. The number of operational nuclear warheads globally is increasing every year, the report found, with the most

Obama says he mostly watches sports in this 'cynical time'

Former President Obama said Sunday that he tends to avoid consuming media about politics amidst the testy 2024 election, telling a group of social media influencers that we live in a “cynical time.” Obama spoke at a Biden campaign fundraiser with the president on Saturday in

Abbott calls out 'voter fraud' in Houston judicial race

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) pointed to what he viewed as a prime example of voter fraud on Saturday in a Houston-area judicial race after a new election was ordered nearly two years after the fact. A Houston judge found last month that more than 1,400 votes in the 2022 180th