
Show HN: I built a non-linear UI for ChatGPT

Hi HN, I built this out of frustration of the evergrowing list of AI models and features to try and to fit my workflow. The visual approach clicks for me so i went with it, it provides more freedom and control of the outcome, because predictable results and increased

Few tenure-track jobs for engineering Ph.D.s, study finds

A study finds that most engineering Ph.D. graduates will never secure a tenure-track faculty position. Over the past 50 years, the number of full-time faculty positions in US universities has steadily declined while production of science and engineering Ph.D. graduates has

The Dow rises 75 points with all eyes again on the Fed

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and other stock indexes had muted starts Wednesday due to sluggishness in several tech stocks, pausing a recent market rally. The slow start followed Federal Reserve policymaker Neel Kashkari’s statement that interest rates are likely to stay at

Democrats push Biden for executive action to secure border

More than a dozen House Democrats are pressing President Biden to tap his executive powers to secure the border, arguing that Congress’s partisan stalemate on the issue leaves him no choice but to act unilaterally. In a letter delivered to the president on Tuesday, 15

Metal Gear Rex Giving You A Hard Time? Here’s How To Beat It

One of Metal Gear Solid’s ultimate bosses is the massive walking battle tank known as Metal Gear Rex. Rex is one of the tougher boss fights of the game, and little else is more frustrating than repeatedly dying to a late-game boss when you’re so, so close to wrapping up. Read

Trump leads Biden by 4 points in Pennsylvania survey

Former President Trump leads President Biden by four points in a Pennsylvania survey of the November election released on Tuesday. The former president received 49 percent of support in the poll compared to Biden’s 45 percent. Trump’s lead grows to double digits when voters