
Dear Roku, you ruined my TV

Article URL: https://www.theverge.com/24188282/roku-tv-update-motion-smoothing-turn-off Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40908444 Points: 3 # Comments: 0

Senate panel to hold privacy-focused AI hearing

The Senate Commerce Committee will hold a hearing Thursday centered on privacy-related concerns stemming from the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the committee announced Monday. The hearing will examine how AI has “accelerated the need for a federal comprehensive

A handy attachment could make lunar construction a breeze

Moving large amounts of regolith is a requirement for any long-term mission to the moon or Mars. But so far, humanity has only sent systems capable of moving small amounts of soil at a time—primarily for sample collection. Sending a large, dedicated excavator to perform such

Okay, I Watched Miami Vice And It Rules

On July 4, 2024, film critic Brandon Streuessnig posted a movie clip on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption, “gf asked me to show her my favorite movie tonight. Probably the most important step in the relationship. No goin back now.” The clip in question shows the opening

Show HN: WAL Implementation in Golang

I wrote this simple WAL library in Golang that I use to write data that my kafka producer fails due to errors like Broker going down or some other issue. Took inspiration from etcd/wal Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40908178 Points: 11 # Comments: 2