
Are there dangers in doing business in UAE?

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) in its online advertising claims to offer a world-class, thriving, and stable business environment. It says it provides a supportive ecosystem designed to assist businesses in starting up, growing and achieving success. One


7 things American Airlines has to fix right now

American Airlines is facing a number of challenges right now. Business-class flyers are upset with it. Its flight attendants are inching closer to a strike. Its stock is down nearly 18% for the year. “Where we stand right now, we know we dug ourselves a hole,” CEO Robert Isom

15 of the worst car ads ever made

Remember when Lexus had artificial intelligence write an entire car commercial for them , and it was exactly as boring as everyone thought it would be ? This wasn’t during the recent (ridiculous) AI explosion , either, it was all the way back in 2018, using IBM’s Watson .

New variants of Covid-19 spreading rapidly worldwide

Ecuadorean health authorities have reported that the new FLiRT (KP.2) variant of Covid-19 had reached the country after two individuals -a 24-year-old man and a 42-year-old woman- tested positive in the Cotopaxi province. Both patients were vaccinated, the Health Ministry also

Kazoo lessons

Knowledge and technique used to be closely guarded secrets. Admission to the guild was reserved for a few, and crafts like typesetting, plumbing and medicine were off limits to most folks. One of the reasons for the explosion in productivity and innovation in the last century