
Can China’s PLA fight a modern war?

China’s failures to reform the army may lie deep in the ancient military mindset that doesn’t fit modern requirements. Can the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) fight? And in case, how would they fight? They had the human waves in Korea and they advised the Vietnamese on guerrilla

China’s spy bases in Cuba could be key in a Taiwan war

China’s secret spy bases in Cuba signal a new front in Beijing’s global intelligence game by targeting America’s southeastern seaboard. This month, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released a report saying that China is likely operating multiple spy

Show HN: Simulating 20M Particles in JavaScript

Had some fun with shared array buffers over many months of free time. Skip to the end to play around with the final app. Open to ideas on how to simulate more whilst staying in js land. Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40902012 Points: 65 # Comments: 9

The road to a resistance victory in Myanmar

In major cities around Myanmar’s war-torn borderlands, a pattern is emerging. From Myitkyina and Bhamo in northern Kachin state to Lashio in northeastern Shan, and Sittwe, on the Bay of Bengal in the west, the Myanmar Army is pulling back into urban bastions shielded by air

Senate Dems won't huddle Monday to discuss Biden

Senate Democrats will not be huddling Monday to discuss President Biden’s reelection efforts, according to a source familiar with Sen. Mark Warner’s (D-Va.) thinking. Axios had reported earlier that Warner was spearheading efforts to organize a meeting on Monday night to

China flexes AI muscle at Shanghai expo

The sixth World Artificial Intelligence Conference held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center from July 4-7 was a demonstration of China’s position as a fast follower creating a large, diverse and multinational alternative to a US-centered AI industry.