
The White Death

John Green recently teamed up with Kurzgesagt for a video on one of the world’s deadliest diseases: tuberculosis. The white death has haunted humanity like no other disease following us for thousands, maybe millions of years. In the last 200 years it killed a billion people —

Some Obvious Travel Advice

From Dynomight, some common sense and straight-forward advice about travel . Some favorites: 1. Mindset matters more than where you go. 12. Clothes dry much faster with body heat. 22. If you spend a ton of money and stay in very expensive hotels and whatever, you can

Visualising spacetime

What if we could see spacetime? Embark on a visual journey through the invisible gravitational currents that shape our universe - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon


The paradox of self skepticism

If we’re to publish, teach, invent, imagine or promote, we need the confidence to believe that we have something to offer. That we are, in some way, right. But the enterprise of rational thought is based on theories, tests and improvements. We can never be certain, all we have

Watch a Japanese Artisan Hand-Craft a Cello in 6 Months

Cellists unwilling to settle for any but the finest instrument must, sooner or later, make a pilgrimage to Cremona — or rather, to the Cremonas. One is, of course, the city in Lombardy that was home to numerous pioneering master luthiers, up to and including Antonio Stradivari.

Would You Clone Your Dog?

"We love our dogs for their individual characters—and yet cloning implies that we also believe their unique, unreproducible selves can, in fact, be reproduced."