
US sanctions firms for training PLA aircrew in S Africa

The United States sanctioned four companies in Hong Kong, South Africa and the United Kingdom and accused them of using Western and NATO sources to train Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircrew in South Africa. The sanctioned firms include Global Training Solutions

Maldives shows the way to a thriving ‘Blue Economy’

The Maldives’ ocean ecosystem has cared for, fed and employed its population for centuries. It has propelled the country into a top luxury tourism hotspot, with one of the highest blue economy ratios worldwide, accounting for over 36% of its total GDP. This strong connection

US air moves in Japan more head fake than power punch

The US has unveiled a US$10 billion strategy to upgrade military aircraft in Japan, a bid to bolster its defense posture amid rising tensions with China over Taiwan. However, aging aircraft, production problems and China’s fast-growing air force may mean the plan is too little,

US military’s secret anti-vax campaign not surprising

Reuters recently published a bombshell report that in the spring of 2020, the US military began a social media disinformation campaign in the Philippines that aimed to undermine China’s influence in the country by casting doubt on the effectiveness of the Covid relief aid China

Far-right surge far from decisive in Europe

Between June 6 and 9, residents of the European Union (EU) went to the polls to elect a new European Parliament. There were fears in advance of a breakthrough by the far-right, which was not surprising given the recent electoral successes of extreme nationalist, conservative

Open-source information fueling new age of war

Open-source information and intelligence are fueling global participation in the war in Ukraine and other global hotspots, changing how the private sector, the public and governments influence conflicts. Within a day of the June 2, 2024, release of a video documenting the abuse