
Internet becomes a basic service in Chile

Internet access has become a basic service in Chile just like drinking water, sanitation, and electricity, which renders it eligible for subsidies and other government-sponsored forms of assistance, it was reported from Santiago on Thursday.

Uruguay to hold plebiscite on social security

Uruguay's Electoral Court has validated the required signatures therefore the South American country will be holding a plebiscite on social security concurrently with the Oct. 27 presidential elections, it was announced in Montevideo. The authorities said Wednesday that 276,167

Argentine province has its own money... again

The Argentine province of La Rioja finally made do with its promise to issue a pseudo-currency of its own to meet debts within its territory. Officially named Debt Cancellation Bonds (Bocade), La Rioja's money is better known as "Chacho" whereby "1 Chacho = 1 Argentine peso."

Mujica and Sanguinetti hope for a "more flexible" Mercosur

Former Presidents José Pepe Mujica and Julio María Sanguinetti concurred this week during their appearances at the Latin American Integration Association's (Aladi) Regional Solidarity Integration Forum in Montevideo that Latin American countries needed to "be more flexible" to