
China’s spy bases in Cuba could be key in a Taiwan war

China’s secret spy bases in Cuba signal a new front in Beijing’s global intelligence game by targeting America’s southeastern seaboard. This month, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released a report saying that China is likely operating multiple spy

The road to a resistance victory in Myanmar

In major cities around Myanmar’s war-torn borderlands, a pattern is emerging. From Myitkyina and Bhamo in northern Kachin state to Lashio in northeastern Shan, and Sittwe, on the Bay of Bengal in the west, the Myanmar Army is pulling back into urban bastions shielded by air

The irrelevance of Biden’s senility

An old saying warns that we are better off knowing neither the process by which our dinner is made nor the process by which we are governed. That bon mot seems first to have been printed in 1798, ascribed to Nicolas Chamfort, the witty noble-born secretary of the Jacobin Club

Risk migrates to Europe from Asia

Subscribe now for access at a special price of only $99/year. Risk migrates to Europe from Asia David P. Goldman writes that European political risk is rising, with gains by the National Rally in France and the AfD in Germany increasing uncertainty and volatility in European