
The USPS Honors Alex Trebek With a Stamp

The USPS is honoring longtime Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek with a stamp that cleverly mimics a blue Jeopardy! answer — and the whole sheet of stamps looks like the game board. The text of the answer reads: This naturalized U.S. citizen hosted the quiz show “Jeopardy!” for 37

The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates is coming out with a new book this fall (Oct 1, 2024) called The Message and it sounds really interesting: Ta-Nehisi Coates originally set out to write a book about writing, in the tradition of Orwell’s classic “Politics and the English Language,” but found

We Deserve a Better Work Life

After four years, Roxane Gay signs off from her Work Friend column . I am not an idealist or much of an optimist, but being your Work Friend pushed me in that direction. I want, too. I want a world where we can all live our best professional lives. I want everyone to make a

The Models for American Gothic

In 1930, Iowa artist Grant Wood painted American Gothic . The models he used for the painting were his sister Nan Wood Graham and his dentist, Byron McKeeby. Here they are next to the painting: Wood made the painting after spotting a small house in Eldon, Iowa: [This is a

Moral progress is annoying

You might feel you can trust your gut to tell right from wrong, but the friction of social change shows that you can’t - by Daniel Kelly & Evan Westra Read at Aeon
