
Argentina's Indec says May's CPI reached 4.2%

Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) announced Thursday that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) had grown 4.2% in May, which was celebrated by the Libertarian administration of President Javier Milei as another sign of a slow victory over inflation

Milei's trip to China announced but not confirmed

After reaching the presidency of Argentina on diatribes against "lefties" and "Communists," it was reported Thursday in Buenos Aires that Javier Milei would be traveling to Beijing for a meeting on July 4 with Xi Jinping, who insisted on the South American leader's presence for

Falkland Islands anniversary of Liberation Day 2024

To mark the Anniversary of the Liberation of the Falkland Islands from the Argentine occupation in 1982, the following program has been arranged for Friday 14 June 2024 by Gilbert House, the seat of the elected autonomous government of the Falklands.