
Gone Swimming, With Tara Booth

“who else is ready to get beat tf up by the ocean?” asks artist Tara Booth on Instagram. (If you click through , it’s a whole mini-story.) More of Booth’s awesome work can also be found on her website . Is this the day I buy her art on a tote bag ? Or a hoodie ? Or a

What Does ‘Havering’ Mean?

“If I haver, well I know I’m gonna be — I’m gonna be the man who’s haverin’ to you.” It’s only the 9,000th time I’ve heard this perfect song, but for whatever reason today was the day I looked it up. (Apologies to everyone who already knows.) Per Wikipedia : In Scottish

Diary Comics, Jan. 2 & 11

Hello, and welcome to another Thursday Afternoon With Edith! I was off for a while in part because everyone in my family got Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, which was horrible. I’m also going through some crises of purpose and trying to figure out what to do with my life. 🤔

“How the Fridge Changed Flavor”

In an adaptation from her forthcoming book, Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves , Nicola Twilley shares how refrigeration changed the food we eat and even how it tastes (you tomato and strawberry lovers know what I’m talking about): The

How Tennis Balls Became Yellow, Feat. David Attenborough

Somehow, I didn’t know that until quite recently, tennis balls were white instead of yellow (Wimbledon used white balls until 1985 ). Here’s a British Pathé film from 1961 that shows how tennis balls were made, along with Wimbledon ball boy training: I also didn’t know that

Spreadsheet Superstars

"An elite handful of analysts, actuaries, and accountants have mastered Excel, arguably the most important software in the business world. So what do they do in Vegas? They open a spreadsheet."

Boudica: a Norfolk story

New archaeological discoveries shed light on the story of Boudica – the ancient Celtic queen who rebelled against Rome - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon
