
The Cognitive Magic of “Hi”

How a simple word illuminates children’s cognitive development and linguistic creativity. The post The Cognitive Magic of “Hi” appeared first on Nautilus .

A mission to find 10 million near-Earth asteroids every year

So far, scientists have found around 34,000 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) that could serve as humanity's stepping stone to the stars. These balls of rock and ice hold valuable resources as we expand throughout the solar system, making them valuable real estate in any future space

Researchers publish first-of-its kind scorpion genome

A team of researchers at UConn, in collaboration with Carlos Santibanez-Lopez at Western Connecticut State University, have generated the first chromosome-level genome of the desert hairy scorpion—an iconic inhabitant of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts of North America and the

Video: Eclipse-making double-satellite Proba-3

Proba-3 is ESA's—and the world's—first precision formation flying mission. A pair of satellites will fly together relative to the sun so that one casts a precisely-controlled shadow onto the other, to create a prolonged solar eclipse in orbit.

Sweetpotato's sweet revenge against fungal disease

Sweetpotato black rot is a devastating disease caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata. Since the late 1800s, black rot of sweetpotato has threatened to destroy as much as 30% of the sweetpotato crop in the United States. In 2015, all sweetpotato-producing states in the