
Time to establish a European Defense Fund

At a recent conference in London, Ukraine’s deputy prime minister, Olha Stefanishyna, gave a video speech that confirmed her government’s relief at the US Congress’s US$60 billion of military and humanitarian aid, help which comes many months late but still soon enough to make

Does shooting of Slovak leader heighten war risk?

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, Europe’s toughest opponent of military backing for Ukraine, was shot multiple times May 15 by an as yet unidentified assailant. He was transported by helicopter to a trauma center at Banska Bystrica, where he is fighting for his life. His

Can’t blame all Chinese cyberattacks on the government

The UK’s national security agency, MI5, warned in April that British universities participating in military research are targets for cyberattacks by foreign states. More recently, news broke of a cyberattack against the UK’s Ministry of Defense, which exposed the personal

No, Japan’s actually not a xenophobic country

The other day at a fundraiser, Joe Biden made a casual comment that I consider to be the worst gaffe of his entire term as president. He declared that two of America’s most important allies, India and Japan, are “xenophobic”, and placed them in the same category as Russia and

US bases woefully exposed to Chinese missile attacks

US lawmakers are demanding urgent upgrades to US military bases in the Indo-Pacific, citing the severe threat posed by China’s improving strike capabilities while criticizing the US Department of Defense’s (DOD) slow adoption of critical defenses. This month, Representative

Biden, Xi taking lumps for allies’ bad behavior

The United States and China are divided by many things, but the world’s two leading powers have one problem in common: Each of their presidents has trapped himself into supporting a close ally that has invaded a neighbor and whose forces are committing every day what many