
Eurovision: ‘United by Music’ but all about the politics

Every year, the organisers of the Eurovision Song Contest tell us that they want to keep politics out of the competition -and every year they fail. Their denial that they are running a deeply political event is both futile and ludicrous, writes Political Editor Nick Powell.


Amid growing protests in Georgia, threatened NGO speaks out

Students For Liberty, the largest international pro-liberty student organisation in the world, issued a statement today on the growing violence in Tbilisi, Georgia, involving peaceful protesters who are members of Students For Liberty. The protests started on May 7th due to a


European success with an Uzbek comeback

The second day of the Kazakhstan Barysy Grand Slam opened with a colourful ceremony featuring a range of cultural performances and remarks from the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, the IJF director general, and the president of the Kazakhstan Judo Federation.

Xi's European tour: Some euro, no vision

For China to revive its fortunes, it must fundamentally change course, abandoning its version of predatory state capitalism in favour of the genuine market reforms its trade partners worldwide are calling for, Elaine Dezenski writes.