
Bubblegum Aliens

These bubblegum sculptures created and photographed by artist Suzanne Saroff are delightfully disgusting . I found this via Grace Ebert at Colossal , who writes: Conjuring memories of childhood competitions and absent-minded chomping, the photos zoom in on chewed wads of

Electronic Plastic

Oh wow, this takes me right back to my childhood: Electronic Plastic , a museum of portable, old-school electronic toys. We didn’t have a gaming system in my house growing up — I had to settle going over to my friend Steve’s house for Atari 2600 and my big city cousins’

The Universe in Verse Book

"We need science to help us meet reality on its own terms, and we need poetry to help us broaden and deepen the terms on which we meet ourselves and each other. At the crossing point of the two we may find a way of clarifying our experience and of sanctifying it."