
A Planet of the Apes promo freaked people out in California

Kingom of the Planet of the Apes is one of this summer’s big blockbusters, and with its release in a few weeks, that means its time to up its promo game. We’ve gotten plenty of trailers and posters , and there are standees in theaters, but that’s apparently not enough. 20th

Tesla CEO Elon Musk made a surprise trip to China

A week after Tesla CEO Elon Musk pushed back a trip to India because of “ heavy ” duties for his electric car company, he touched down in China for an unannounced visit. The purpose of dropping in? Tesla’s Full Self-Driving software , according to Reuters, which first reported

15 of the best celebrity cars

Celebrities sure have it rough; they have to star in blockbuster movies or top the music charts and all they get out of it is guaranteed harassment by paparazzi and a few million dollars. They have a public image to uphold and they know everyone is staring, and the car they

16 of the best obscure concept cars

Sometimes concept cars become legendary in their own right, even though they were intended from the beginning to never go into production. Just think about how you felt the first time you saw the Chrysler ME 412 concept . Or that twinge of hope you felt when Mazda showed off

10 of the most controversial cars right now

Not everyone likes the same thing. Some of us are chocolate fans, while others are perfectly happy with vanilla. Cars are the same way , but some generate an unreasonably strong response deep in the cockles of the enthusiast heart. We asked you what is the most controversial