
Palestinian officials say two killed in West Bank raid

Palestinian officials said Friday Israeli troops killed a teenager and an adult in the occupied West Bank, while the Israeli army said it killed a "number of terrorists" in a raid. Since early last year violence has flared across the West Bank, which Israel has occupied since

Mideast enters new era with Israel strikes on Iran

After years of high-level US pressure on its ally to show restraint, Israel's purported attack on Iran takes the region and Western-led diplomacy into uncharted territory. Iran and Israel have long waged a shadow war, marked by assassinations of Tehran's nuclear scientists and

Turkey's Freedom Flotilla ready to set sail for Gaza

An international humanitarian relief effort in the form of a Freedom Flotilla Coalition was getting ready Friday to leave the western Turkish port of Tuzla and bring much-needed relief to residents of war-torn Gaza. At least three vessels carrying some 5,000 tons of food,

Lacking storm drains, Dubai sees persistent flooding

When record downpours sent water flooding into his Dubai home, Riaz Haq expected the levels to drop once it stopped raining. But instead of falling, the water kept rising higher. "We went to bed, the water was half-a-metre (half-a-yard)," the British lawyer said, recalling

Iranians appear unfazed by Isfahan blasts

Despite Friday's announcement of explosions in central Iran, many people appeared unfazed and planned rallies in the capital supporting last weekend's unprecedented Iranian attack on Israel still went ahead. "We're going to the park to play board games. Everything is just like

Photography is 'mirror on society': Sebastiao Salgado

He might be 80 but Sebastiao Salgado, the Brazilian photojournalist who has spent five decades chronicling the world around us, is not ready to hang up his camera yet. Salgado, known in particular for his work in the Amazon, insists there is still a need to "raise awareness"

Gazans say reported Israeli strike on Iran 'just a show'

Gazans in the besieged southern city of Rafah told AFP they believed Israel's reported strike against Iran on Friday was little more than a show -- and called for peace in the region. "As everybody knows, this is all staged and agreed upon in advance from both sides," resident

Israel, Iran ready to de-escalate -- for now: analysts

The limited nature of Israel's reported strike on Iran and the restrained immediate Iranian reaction shows both sides, in particular Tehran, are looking to de-escalate after weeks of tensions but the situation remains dangerously explosive, analysts say. There have been fears