
Trump's VP contenders: Pros and cons for each pick

Former President Trump’s choice of running mate is generating interest, with the Republican National Convention less than a month away and contenders jockeying to make their case. Trump’s campaign has sent vetting materials to several people under consideration for the vice

The Oily Truth About This Supreme Court

Sometime this month, the Supreme Court is likely to overturn something known as the Chevron deference , which grants federal agencies the authority to interpret the laws that Congress passes. The ruling, depending on its scope, could knee-cap the federal government’s ability to

The Case for Taking Reality TV Seriously

I have lived in Bachelor Nation. ABC’s The Bachelor franchise of reality shows—which feature a teeming cast of contestants going on exceedingly strange dates and vying for a marriage proposal from the titular bachelor—debuted at the beginning of the century, and, for its first

House budget leaders look ahead to 2025

As the critical elections in November quickly approach, some in Congress are already sizing up a jam-packed schedule for 2025, with potentially nasty showdowns over taxes and the national debt on the horizon. While Congress still has a little more than three months until its

Georgia race is latest test for GOP over Jan. 6 candidates

A primary runoff in Georgia this week will be the latest test of voters’ willingness to back a candidate involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. In the Peach State’s 2nd Congressional District, Chuck Hand — who was convicted of a misdemeanor for illegally

Conservatives set the stage for another CFPB funding fight

Conservatives appear to be setting the stage for yet another legal fight over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) funding structure, just weeks after the watchdog agency survived a challenge before the Supreme Court. The CFPB, established after the 2008 financial

Apple seeks to balance privacy, innovation with ChatGPT deal

Apple is attempting to strike a difficult balance between innovation and privacy as it prepares to launch several artificial intelligence (AI) programs. As Apple ramps up its AI offerings through updates to its own features and a partnership to integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT into

McConnell seeks big influence over Trump-era GOP

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) is planning to have a major influence over Republican policymaking even after he steps down as party leader at the end of the year and is working behind the scenes to lay out an agenda for his party if it wins unified control of

McDonald's pauses AI ordering at drive thrus

McDonald’s will halt the pilot for an artificial intelligence-powered ordering assistant, potentially marking a setback for the technology’s takeover of daily life. The fast food giant will end its two-year partnership with IBM for the AI system by July 26, meaning the tech

Trump rolls out endorsements in Alaska, Utah House primaries

Former President Trump weighed in on two tight GOP House primaries in Alaska and Utah on Monday, making endorsements as primary season gets into full swing. In Alaska, Trump backed Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom over Nick Begich III. The contested primary has carried echoes of the

George Norcross indictment in New Jersey: 5 things to know

New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin (D) unsealed a 13-count indictment against South Jersey political heavyweight George Norcross III for using his power and influence to craft legislation that would benefit Norcross’s development project in Camden. According to

Biden leans into Trump conviction

President Biden’s campaign is leaning into former President Trump’s conviction, suggesting it believes that reminding voters often enough that the presumptive GOP nominee for the White House is a felon will pay off at the polls in November. The emerging strategy is crystalized

Senate set to send nuclear power boost to Biden’s desk

Welcome to The Hill's Energy & Environment newsletter {beacon} Energy & Environment Energy & Environment The Big Story Senate set to send nuclear power boost to Biden’s desk The Senate is poised to send a major energy bill to President Biden’s desk this week, which could

Warren preps for tax fight

Welcome to The Hill's Business & Economy newsletter {beacon} Business & Economy Business & Economy The Big Story Warren knocks Obama, Democrats in tax fight Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took aim at Democrats this week for kowtowing to past Republican tax cuts in an effort

Chicago mayor establishes 'Reparations Task Force'

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson signed an executive order Monday to create a task force focused on reparations for the city's Black residents. As part of the executive order, the task force will conduct a study and examination of policies that impacted Black Chicago residents